His constant reminders, which are often misinterpreted, are absolutely brilliant not because of it’s well constructed words and phrases – which it contains; because it seems to be the ultimate challenge for us in Western society.
Everywhere I go and every friend I have, including myself are affected and impacted by the corporate marketing of today’s world. We are called to buy bigger; more expensive, and to throw away old last year’s model.
On the other hand, God is calling us, Through the words of the Bishop of Rome, to live in simplicity and to share our excess with those who don’t even have the minimum.
My wife and I made a decision to buy a small house a few years back. From time to time after visiting friends with larger houses ie, with three car garages, etc. I feel myself with the pressure of personal failure as I compare myself to that other person. I guess that is what our Lord teaches us in the Our Gather when he says, "...lead us not into temptation."
Today Lord, I ask you to help me be satisfied with the gifts you’ve given me and to share my excess with someone who has the minimal.
God bless and peace to all,
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom