A Life of Prayer is a Call to Simplicity
Deacon Tom Frankenfield
The key to a full and simple life with God is found right in the word PRAY-that's right;just pray.
P - PRAISE God! Be thankful to God for all that you have
Take time to be thankful to God for all that you have been given in life. Often I am so focused on my needs that I genuinely forget to count my many blessings. During my sicknesses, I am crying out for healing and forgetting my gifts.
For example, I have a car to drive myself to the doctors' office; I have the money to pay my bills. I am loved by a family in spite of my frustration dealing with my illnesses. When I look at my gifts, I really do have many things to thank and praise God for.
It really helps to put God's gifts first in our prayer life. Praising God anchors us in the Blessed Trinity
R - REVEAL Reveal your real needs to God!
Next, we share our needs. At first glance this seems like the easiest prayer form; at least it is often the most common. I could spend the next hour telling God all the things I would like to have. However, for the simple Christian life, I would challenge you to review your life with a different perspective.
Can you tear away those things that are pure pleasure and see the things that you need to bring you closer to God? A new set of golf clubs might be great but ask yourself how that brings you closer to God. As we work through that process we begin to see our needs with a new vantage point.
Let your emotions lead your prayer in telling God your needs, not the commercials on the television or the radio.
A- ADORE Adore our amazing God and all His Works!
This next step means stopping and taking time to be with the Lord. For Catholics, we have the gift of the Eucharist to pray before. Take time in Eucharistic Adoration.
Allow yourself to be transformed! Allow the real presence of God to permeate your being. As a last resort use words!
Others will look at the beauty of God's creation; the beauty of our family and friends. The key here is to be present to God in these situations-then absorb the goodness!
Y - YES! Say "yes" being lead by the Holy Spirit!
After praising, requesting and an experience of adoring, we are ready to completely give our lives to the Holy Spirit.
In opening our lives to The Spirit many of us have experienced God in more of fruitful ways. For some, Scripture comes alive, with words seemingly jumping out off the pages; most have a craving for deeper prayer and for everyone, the Lord's peace and joy reigns in our lives in fresh ways. Can you let go to the Spirit?
Come, Holy Spirit, come. Teach us to pray. Anoint us so we have no fears of giving our lives to you!!
For Your Family Reflection
1. How do we pray in our family; either individually or communally? Are we making rules to make it too complicated?
2. Are you ready to a leader in your Domestic Church by walking through the 4 steps of PRAY. Lead by example and trust God to do the rest.