Prayers of the Faithful
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
For all in the Worldwide Catholic Church: May we grow in faithfulness to God's Commandments; interpreting them with wisdom and discernment for the holiness of all,…We pray to the Lord
For the Leaders of Nations: May they recognize the dignity of all people regardless of status, wealth, or social position and seek to meet the basic needs of every person,…We pray to the Lord
For all in Our Community who have hearing or speech problems: May we affirm them as sisters and brothers and help them to fully use of their gifts for God’s glory,…We pray to the Lord
For a spirit of listening in our Spiritual lives: May God free us from the noise blocking our ability to hear the Word of God and the distractions obscuring the hopes God has placed within our hearts....We pray to the Lord.
For all who protect others, in particular, our military, police officers and fire fighters: That God may grant them His protection as they serve their country and community....We pray to the Lord.