Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Did You Know That I Write Children's Stories....I share one! -- Tommy's Smile

Tommy's Smile 

by Deacon Tom Frankenfield

Everyone who ever meets him knows that Tommy is a happy boy. He will always say, "Hello!" and with that he asks," How are you doing?" Sometimes, Tommy will tell you that you are a great person and give you a big hug. People usually feel great whenever they see Tommy coming because they know that they are about to meet the happiest person they know.

Tommy's parents always remind him that he is a special boy and that God wants everyone to spread His love to everyone. Of course, for Tommy that means making people happy. Tommy's grandmother even calls him "Tommy Sunshine" but Tommy gets embarrassed by that name. Whenever, Grandma calls out for Tommy Sunshine, Tommy usually gets red in the face and tries to talk about something else.

One day, Tommy awoke with a tummy ache. Tommy did not feel good. He felt so bad he did not want to get out of bed. So, when his mother called him for school, he just hid under the covers. Finally, mother checked Tommy and said that although he had a tummy ache, he should still go to school. Tommy did not like that. Being a good boy, Tommy got up as he was told but he did not want to get up-not one bit.

That day Tommy was not happy. When mother asked him what he wanted to eat, Tommy said, "Nothing!" and left the room. At the bus stop, all the kids waited for Tommy's happy smile and for him to talk but Tommy did not talk. In fact, he just sat in the bus alone.

This behavior continued for a little while when some of his friends decided that they needed to do something. They all met during recess and decided that instead of Tommy bringing happiness to them, they now needed to bring happiness to Tommy.
Within minutes, things started to change. Mary told Tommy how she really liked his shirt. Jim caught the ball and gave it to Tommy to throw back to the recess kids. At snack time, at least 10 children shared their treats with Tommy.

Soon, Tommy could not help but start to smile. These friends were making him feel special. Then during lunch time, Tommy's smile returned and happiness returned to the school. From that day onward, not only was Tommy the happiest boy in school but all of his friends shared their happiness, too.

My friends, sharing a smile with someone who is having a bad day is one of the most important things God wants us to do. We all have lots of smiles to give to everyone around us. Try giving a smile to everyone you know today. It will make a big difference! 

Love ya'll

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