Saturday, July 23, 2011

We Pray for Understanding

Revolutions of Love
By Deacon Tom Frankenfield

Today the world spins in revolutions of misunderstandings

Those of one color judge those who are different colors
Those of one faith will not listen to voices of others beliefs
Those of one age group ignore & devalue the worth of other age groups
Those of wealth patronize, exploit and ignore the suffering, poor & lonely
Those of one political ideology personally attack other views

We need you Lord, more than ever before. Come Holy Spirit!

May Your love wash away the judgement and repaint us with the color of love
May You bless our ears so we hear the beauty of Your Word
May You anoint us with a burning desire to learn about & love all age groups
May You enkindle the wealthy with a burning desire to care for all humankind
May You give our public servants the gift of unity so to focus on serving people

Lord, replace revolutions with the calmness of Your love and replace misunderstandings with the passion for unity with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this to be a 'powerful post' and one that I would love to reblog, with your premission, giving you full credit, of course....
My prayers are with you and your family!