Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Gift of Dolphins

Hello My Brothers and Sisters,

We had a wonderful surprise today.  While standing on a.pier enjoying the sailboat and the beauty of the Gulf of Mexico, we were visited by 2 dolphins.  I loved it.
The dolphins frolicked in the water, sliding up and down.  We were mesmerized.  Within 5 minutes, the mostly empty pier was full of people watching.  The small crowd laughed and chattered.  In general, the entire scene was transformed and and so were attitudes.

I reflected on my  life.  I discovered that when I was free and gay like.the dolphins, my life was joyful.  Although I don't draw crowds like the dolphins did, it is obvious that people around me are happier when I am free to be me.  In other words, when I am not burdened.

So, where are the areas of your life that are keeping you from being free?  Is it time to let go for the sake of your families, your friends, your community and yourself?  

Would you let our prayer team pray with you and for you?  Is it time to let stuff go.......???

With love,

Deacon Tom Frankenfield

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