Monday, March 14, 2011

My Birthday

Well today is my birthday.  Number 61!  

I wanted to thank everyone who sent me a note on Facebook or via text.  It really really touches my heart. It is on a day like today it makes me feel very thankful for all the joy that I've had in my life.

Also I want to thank my mom and dad for saying "yes" to life back in 1950.  My prayer is that the world will learn to say yes to life.  Life is the most important gift received from God.  We must protect it with all of our hearts!

Finally we made some major changes over the weekend and how we're going to communicate with everyone via the Internet.  In particular, my website.  My son gave me the gift for a domain for my birthday. (which to an old guy like me is hard to figure out

In the very near future will be turning the website & the blog over to's me. I look forward to doing lots and lots of exciting stuff on the Internet

God is good and thank you all for being part of my life.

Love you
Deacon Tom Frankenfield

Sent from my iPad

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